Thursday, January 26, 2012

Communication - Jan.16th.2012

What we have done in communication clss on monday was hilarious. We had to tell our partners about what the pictures look like on the board without letting them see, and they had to draw. I thought it was difficult. Like the pictures were just hard to describe, cause almost all of them were made from Mr. Webb, and the music was making us more nervous and rush, plus Mr. Webb was shaking our tables, and taking our chairs. I think the reason why Mr. Webb let us to have this activity on monday is, because we have to learn how to let other people know what we are trying to tell them from our minds, or what we seen.

1 comment:

  1. TOAST Score (see for more info): 4/10.

    T: 1/3. Monday should be capitalized, and I think there are some spelling mistakes as well. Spell check!
    O: 1/2.
    A: 1/2. So what does this have to do with the Shannon-Weaver model?
    S: 0/0. [Add a picture in next time!]
    T: 1/3. WAAAAY more!
