Sunday, March 25, 2012

inventions ....

1. umbrella raincoat 
I believe most you guys hate rains because you will always get wet even you got an umbrella. Have you felt annoyed that the bag on your back it's always wet, and its kind of gross? Well, I have found an idea of not doing that, it is useful and light. This design is to protect your bag on your back, or your back won't get wet while you're walking with your umbrella. 

2. Helmet Headset
Have you ever felt annoyed of putting your cell phone between your face and a helmet, so that you can get to talk on the phone while you're driving your schooler?  Well, I have found an amazing idea and the way that you don't have to do that, this design is called the 'Helmet Headset.' What it does is to allow you to be able to talk on the phone while you're driving. 

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